
Jumping for Justice

Hey everyone! I'm so happy you stopped by!
Here is a recent photo shoot my friend Elli and I've had. I hope you enjoy!
I edited this photo for fun, and I think it turned out great! The yellow umbrella has a great contrast with the dark background and foreground- and I'm floating!
I love her green jeans- they have an awesome contrast with both her hair and the chair- not to mention how great mint is right now!
I had on a fairly simple outfit; it was warming up for the week but still fairly cool, so I wore the navy basic tee with my pinstripe shorts to play it up a bit. The heart necklace is my mom's- but one of my favorites!
We had a lot of fun doing some jump shots! Personally, jump shots are the hardest to both shoot and pose for. If you can shoot them well, you've accomplished a lot! As you can see, I haven't quite perfected the jumping face!
One of my favorite shots!
I love this photo of Elli!

Thanks so much for stopping by on my blog! I would love it if you left me a comment, became a member on the sidebar, or check out some more posts! 
Have a great day! -Abby


  1. Great photos! Cute clothes! How did you edit that one picture with the umbrella to be yellow..? :O

    1. Thanks! We used a combination of Photoshop and Pic Monkey!


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