
My first Vlog!

I am not too much of a Vlogger, as the Youtubers say it, but Molly is really into it, so when we went shopping today, I immediately jumped at the chance to tape with her! I hope you like!

I'm wearing Madewell Jeans and a floral top that I got at a boutique. Molly is wearing a J. Crew V-Neck, Gap colored jeans, and Madeline Boots. 
Here is our haul, which my hair looks pretty darn crazy in!

Have a great rest of your day and I hope you enjoyed!
Don't forget to subscribe- we've got a giveaway coming out after we hit 50 more followers- so far there's only three people left!


  1. Lovely video. Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog. I'm following you:)

  2. Abby, these videos are great! Next time you are testing mascaras, you should try out Falsies by Maybelline. It's got a nice, chunky wand and it goes on pretty thick. So far, it's a favorite of mine :)

    1. Thank you! Great idea, I'll have to try it! :)

  3. I love your blg and i can't say it enouh! This videos are nice!


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