
A Pop of Color

It was a dreary, cloudy day and I needed a prescription of color with a dash of texture. Check out Elli and I's best shoot yet!
My yellow pants and riding boots, of course. Can't live without 'em!
Sweater from Old Navy.
My apologies for the grimace! But here's a full outfit view. Blue and yellow look fabulous together, and make this outfit nice and bright without being so neon that you can see me from three blocks away.
Betsey Johnson Sunglasses.
I just wanted to comment that this is one of the most attractive photos ever taken of me- NOT! 
Elli blowing up our Japanese cat balloon.  These are literally the best thing ever, but they were old and stuck together, eventually tearing or exploding everywhere.
Elli really loves our balloons.
We encountered an unfortunate circumstance that is still unbeknownst to us: the balloons wouldn't float! We later dragged them on the ground into a shop and gave them to the owner, who didn't care about these weird balloons. 
Throwing sink-y balloons up in the air is a party.
Vineyard vines is the best thing ever created, I promise. But I'll rant about their awesomeness in another post.
This look sort of reminded me of color blocking- if it is, it's the easy way. Make sure while color blocking to wear two colors that go together well- stay away from really bright colors, black, and white to avoid a crazy, mono-toned look and to not clash- go for duo toned looks.
I love the sunset background. The water looks pink!
Blowing up a balloon-unfortunately just after this was shot, it exploded.
Elli forced me to include this to our little album- should I title it starfish?

Thanks so much for reading, all of you! Remember, check us out on Facebook!


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